This is a public facing site I did for the the East Coast division of Time Warner Cable, the business objective is to encourage users to change their cable provider to Time Warner. This site was also adopted by the Oceanic division, located in Hawaii and it has been in use for over 3 years now. You can view the site here.

The landing page limits user’s to those in certain zip codes and offers can be targeted based on this information.

The landing page also accepts a promotion code that allows for special offers targeted to groups or individuals.

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Once the user’s location is validated against all the approved zips for active campaigns, they can be shown the appropriate offer. You can try 96789 for Hawaii to see a targeted offer.

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The goal is to get the user to commit to a switch and get their contact info so the back office can confirm that they really have made the switch.

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In the East Coast divisions, we have access to the work order management system and we have setup server based processes that programmatically determine if an installation is scheduled, when it is completed and that the user remains a customer in good standing for a period of time determined by the active campaign.

Custom emails are generated at each action point along the approval process and admins also have access to a bulk email generator that allows the use of html templates.

All of this is managed by a single page web site built on the Sencha/Ext.js javascript framework:

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In this application, the user can see all the submitted requests and then track the action points with the customer that leads to the ultimate switch of provider. Once confirmed, they can then send the users a benefit, typically a gift card that can be recorded and tracked with the app. The search form on the left allows admins to search by almost any entry field and then produce excel-ready exports to allow for reporting or further analysis.

The site also allows admins to edit the campaigns and associated offers, so there is no need for a developer to get involved in the day to day operations. Even the contents of drop downs displayed on the public website can be managed with the admin app so information can be easily kept up to date.