The Movie Lovers Club was created to encourage Cable subscribers to rent more on-demand movies. The site has a simple public facing site that lets the user join the club and view their rental history:

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The real power of this site is in the server based processes that run every evening to search the billing system for new rentals by members and then tally their current status. Once a member has 4 rentals, they receive a digital “coupon” for a free movie. This coupon must be redeemed via the MLC web site, which allows for another chance to display promotional ads and offers.

Another interesting integration demonstrated by this site is when during the sign-up process, the user’s account number is validated against the TWC billing system, to ensure that we have a valid customer. This feature alone reduces the customer support calls tremendously.

The admin site uses the same Sencha/Ext.js framework as the website which makes it easier to train back office admins since the look and feel and functionality is shared across apps.