
What I have been working on....


A flight planning resources for commercial pilots. This app incorporates an extensive off-line database of domestic and international airport reference materials.

Aviation Week

A mobile version of the Aviation Week Magazine that allows subscribers to follow award-winning journalists in a timely fashion.

Information Tycoon

A building management rental unit-auditing app that cuts the audit time in half.

Publix Mobile App

A shopping app that features a shopping list organized by aisles with sales info, ad items, recipes and prescription refills.

Web Sites

Web Sites I have created or maintain

Node Server

Allows admins to manage the installs on subscriber’s devices.

Railo on Apache/MySQL

Encourages users to change their cable provider to Time Warner.

Coldfusion on IIS/MSSQL

Encourages Cable subscribers to rent more on-demand movies.



Thanks for checking out my site! This is a place where you can see the projects I have been working on and some of the web sites I have built and maintain. You can also see Read more…